Presenting his first full fledged collection since graduating from fashion School. Clicking through Kyle Wheeling’s first collection, a theme emerges. Nearly every model wears a face mask, goggles, and a pair of sock trainers. It looks as though the models have embraced the newly changed world, the vast and almost apocalyptic landscape that surrounds them. Moving toward the future the models look comfortable while remaining sleek in the new found outer wear. Kyle took the collection to a new level when he decided to integrate technology into some of his looks. Some of the clothes are equipped with built in heaters to keep warm, fans to keep cool, solar panels to recharge, and other functions like built in phone chargers. All of these devices are run off slim rechargeable portable batteries, along with solar panels. If that wasn’t enough almost every piece of the collection is also embellished with reflective piping/fabric. This adds to the futuristic vibe while enhancing every look in a new way.
After everything that has happened this year involving Covid as well as the shutdown and revamp of some of our favorite things, this collection could be a reflection of a new beginning. Spring is often viewed as the start of new growth and change, what’s not a better time to release a collection with these sort of principles. As we reflect on what’s occurred over these last couple years there is an understanding that this wont be the last time something like this happens. The future is ultimately unknown and can be perceived in many different ways. We can’t change the past but we can change our future. With all that in mind you can understand where part of the inspiration for this collection came from.
The universal explorer is something Kyle liked to reference about the collection. This was his way of expressing that the collection was to be non traditional. Anyone can wear his clothes and if aliens wanted they’d be on the front page of his campaign. Fashion designers should be experimenting and breaking rules. In Kyle’s own words, “a lot of clothing has gotten repetitive and new trends are not what I would call all that attractive”. This collection is seen to be a breath of fresh air. From the tech infused clothing to the message of a future to look forward too, Kyle has found his niche with his debut collection. I look forward to seeing his next collection and I hope everyone enjoyed this one as much as I did.